My Recently Visited Services

Hardware-related services such as computers, printers etc.

Services related to D2L courses and online learning

Account related services - email, permissions, remote access - can be found here.

Report classroom issues

Use this service for printer repair/issues.

Request assistance with software installs

Request assistance with phone issues

View network service options.

Report a security incident or request assistance with virus removal

Request assistance with OneDrive issues

Report a stolen computer

Request assistance with Zoom issues

Request paper delivery for student common-use printers

Report door access issues.

Request assistance with hiring services and account creation.

Request reports, new online form or Banner/SD EzBuy permissions

Request help moving a printer to a new location

Request assistance to merge D2L class sections.

Remove a D2L class from your welcome page.

Order a new computer or other computing equipment

Report issues with DUO multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Request assistance with issues connecting to VPN

Request that Admin permissions are granted or removed on networked computers

Request a group or organization email account

Request a new password for your network and/or email account.