Popular Services

Services related to D2L courses and online learning

Hardware-related services such as computers, printers etc.

Account related services - email, permissions, remote access - can be found here.

View network service options.

Request a member of our team to update your device from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

If you are part of a group on campus, but don't have printer access for that group, this is where you go to ask for that access.

If you are experiencing an issue printing that others are not, use this service.

Request paper delivery for student common-use printers

Request assistance with software installs

Use this service for printer repair/issues.

Report a security incident or request assistance with virus removal

Report door access issues.

Request reports, new online form or Banner/SD EzBuy permissions

Request assistance with OneDrive issues

Request assistance with phone issues

Report classroom issues

Request assistance with hiring services and account creation.

Request assistance with Zoom issues

Report a stolen computer