Getting a New Phone Setup for Campus Use

Tags phone ID New


When setting up a phone for the first time, follow this guide:

When setting up a new phone under the same number as your old phone, follow this guide:

When setting up a phone up under a new number when you already had a different number attached to your account, please stop by the ITS Helpdesk or send us a single selfie-style picture showing both your face as well as a photo ID

We need to be able to check your face vs. the ID as well as be able to read your name off it. The reason we need it done in this way is for security as it is not a picture that is likely to have existed on your computer, so if someone is trying to pose as you, they will not be able to produce the requested image.

After we use this to validate your identity, we will send you a text that will help you authenticate your DUO.

If you have a new number, or are signing up for the first time, please include your new number in your reply email.




If you have your old device, you can completely remove your ID from your account on the old device. After you have finished completely removing the account, you can add the ID over to your new phone.

If you do not have access to your old device, you will need to contact residence life and ask them to remove your device from your account. This will allow you to then add it to your new device.