How to assess and provide feedback on dropbox assignments



Steps on how to add feedback and evaluations to dropbox assignment submissions.


An internet-connected device with a web browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari).


If you download user submissions and leave feedback within the files, you can upload them back to the appropriate assignment, so they appear as attachments to each user's submission evaluation. To ensure successful feedback upload and distribution back to learners, do not rename the downloaded files' names after you enter feedback and save changes.

  1. On the navigation bar, click Assessments > Dropbox.

  2. On the Assignments page, from the context menu of the assignment you want to evaluate, click View Submissions.

  3. On the Submissions page, do one of the following:
    • To evaluate an individual user, click on their name, or the Evaluate link for their submission.

    • To add evaluations using an attached rubric, on the Evaluate Submission page, in the Evaluation panel, click the rubric you want to use. The Score for the submission is populated automatically from the Scoring Rubric.

    • Add or edit the Score for the submission, and any additional Feedback, including text, audio, or video files.

General Information relating to evaluating submissions

The Evaluate Submission page enables you to evaluate and leave feedback on user submissions. It contains two main sections: The Submissions List panel and the Evaluation panel. Use the Evaluation panel to grade and provide comments on submissions. On-paper submissions and Observed in-person assignments display only the Evaluation panel, as no submissions are made in Brightspace.

If you make evaluations directly on the Evaluate Submission page, you can publish feedback immediately or save your feedback as a draft and release it at a later time. This enables you to revise and review evaluations and publish your feedback to multiple users at the same time. You have the option to retract published feedback if you want to provide an update to past evaluations but only want learners to access your most recent feedback.

If you use rubrics to assess submissions, the rubric opens in a pop-up window to enable easy grading, and the score transfers automatically to the Evaluation and Feedback sidebar. The overall score of the rubric transfers automatically to the Score field and appears in Grades if the assignment is associated with a grade item. The rubric feedback appears on the Feedback page for the learner.

To publish all draft feedback to learners at once, click Publish All Feedback on the assignment page. If you have Anonymous Marking enabled, you must click Save Draft and save your feedback for each anonymous user, then click Publish All Feedback on the assignment page to submit feedback to the anonymous users. Instructors cannot publish feedback from the Evaluate Submission page and must do so from the assignment page.

If you have built-in annotations turned on, you can markup submissions using highlighting, free hand drawing, shapes, and associated commenting directly from the Evaluate Submission page. Use the icons in the document viewer toolbar to select between Pen, Note, Text, and Line. Each tool has additional options to change color, font size, font, and many other customizable items. Once you publish the feedback, learners can view their submission with the annotations visible, providing additional context on their instructor's notes

This document is still under development. Information on assessing and providing feedback in Turnitin will be added shortly.

Additional Resources

Accessing Dropbox Assignments

Add Feedback to Dropbox Assignments





Article ID: 40
Thu 7/7/22 5:10 PM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM