How to assess and provide feedback on quizzes



D2L allows you to manually grade quiz responses, question by question, to maintain consistency in assessments.


An internet-connected device with a web browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari).


  1. Log into D2L and access your course. On the navigation bar, select Assessments > Quizzes.

  2. Click the down arrow next to the quiz, then select Grade.

  3. You can grade by student (Users/Attempts) or by question type (Questions), which can be useful if you have lots of open-ended (WR) questions or are posting lots of feedback.


Grading by Student (Users/Attempts)

  1. If desired, use the search settings to look for a specific student or student status (e.g. have or have not completed an attempt, attempt in progress).

  2. Click on the name of the attempt to start grading.

  3. Scroll down to see the questions. Enter a score, and/or click Expand question feedback to leave feedback on that specific question.

  4. To leave feedback on the entire quiz, or to override the score, scroll back to the top of the page.

  5. Once you are done, click Publish or Save Draft(if you want to revisit it)
  6. You may use the arrows in the top-right corner to move between students or use the Back button in the top-left corner to return to the list of students.

  7. Note: if “Allow automatic export to grades” is turned off, you must press Export to Grades.

  8. Additional options in the quiz attempt:
    1. To view a timeline of the student’s quiz attempt, click Quizzes Event Log.

    2. To view a summary of all their attempts, or to attach a feedback file/audio/video, use the dropdown box at the top of the page to switch to the Completion Summary.

  9. Once you are back to the list of students, you can use the checkboxes to perform additional actions:
    • Reset – deletes their quiz attempt, and allows them to take another.
    • Publish Feedback – releases feedback to students (ex: if you saved a draft).
    • Retract Feedback – pulls feedback back from the student.

Grading by Question (Questions)

  1. To grade individual questions, select “Grade Individual Responses”:
    • Blind Marking – hides the student’s name.
    • View Graded Responses – shows all answers, even ones you have graded.
  2. Click the name of the question.

  3. Enter a score, and/or click Expand question feedback to leave feedback on that specific question.

  4. Click Save or Save and Continue(takes you to the next answer).

  5. Use the numbers and arrows at the top to navigate between answers. You may also increase the number of answers per page using the dropdown box.

  6. When you are done, click Go Back to Questions.

  7. Note: if “Allow automatic export to grades” is turned off, you must press Export to Grades.


Viewing Respondus Monitor Results

  1. Switch to the LockDown Browser tab.

  2. Locate your quiz, click the down arrow next to its name, then select Class Results.

  3. Review sessions as desired. Monitor will sort videos so that high-priority ones are first. It will also flag potential trouble areas.

  4. When you are done, you can check the video as “Reviewed” using the bubble in the top-right corner.

Additional Resources

How to manually grade a quiz by question

Regrade a Specific Quiz Question




Article ID: 37
Thu 7/7/22 3:28 PM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM