Student Laptop Program Opt-Out or Semester Exclusion


South Dakota Mines requires all students to be part of the Laptop Program. This page will explain the criteria necessary to be allowed to be exempted from the program. We have implemented an online form that will check to see if the student qualifies to be exempted from the program and will highlight the reason that applies to the student, or will warn the student that they do not fall into any of the categories.

Reasons I can Opt-Out or be temporarily excluded from the South Dakota Mines Laptop Program:

I transferred to South Dakota Mines before the fall semester of 2008 and have been continuously enrolled at a SD Board of Regents University since that time

To apply for a Laptop Program Opt-Out:



Article ID: 109
Fri 8/5/22 3:11 PM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM