How to create a quiz


When you create a quiz, you can populate it with a variety of question types to help evaluate learners learning progress in your course.


An internet-connected device with a web browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari).


Create a Quiz

  1. Log into D2L and access your course.
  2. On the navigation bar, select Assessments > Quizzes.

  3. Near the top of the page, click the blue New Quiz button.
  4. Note the tabs near the top of the quiz creation interface.

  5. Properties tab
    1. Enter a name for your quiz
    2. Click Add/Edit questions
      1. New
        1. Section – used to organize a quiz or add instructions to specific questions. You can also shuffle the order of questions for specific parts of the quiz using sections.
        2. Question Pool – randomly gives students a set number of questions from the pool. Note: questions used in question pools must be created/imported into the Question Library first.
        3. “Question” – select which question type you want (e.g. True or False, Multiple Choice, Written Response, Matching).
      2. Import
        1. Upload a File – .zip file from Respondus Quiz Maker or Publisher.
        2. Browse Question Library – add from your course’s question library.
      3. Change existing questions
        • Edit – click on the question’s name.
        • Move – check the box, then click Move.
        • Delete – check the box, then click Delete.
        • Reorganize – click Order.
        • Change points – check the box, then click Edit Values.

      4. When you are done, click Done Editing Questions.
    3. Additional question settings
      1. Specify the number of questions per page using the “Questions per page” box, then click Apply; or by clicking the arrow next to questions.

      2. Prevent moving backward through pages, if desired.
      3. Shuffle questions at the quiz level, if desired.
  6. Restrictions tab
    1. Hide from Users – this will be on by default when you create a new quiz.
    2. Due date – marks student quiz attempts “late” after your chosen date. This does not prevent students from taking the quiz.
    3. Start date – prevent students from taking the quiz until this date.
    4. End date – prevent students from taking the quiz after this date.
    5. Password – requires students to enter a password to start this quiz. This is particularly useful when giving a D2L quiz in a F2F class.
    6. Timing
      1. Recommended time limit – shows an estimate of how long the quiz should take, and nothing else.
      2. Enforced time limit – adds timer for the student to see, and acts, based on your choice, if the time limit is exceeded.

    7. Special access – grants exceptions to specific students, such as giving multiple attempts, increased time limit, or later end date.
      1. Click Add Users to Special Access.
      2. Scroll down and select the student (or use the search options).
      3. Scroll up and select their special access.
      4. Click Add Special Access.
  7. Assessment tab
    1. Allow attempt to be set as grade immediately – automatically grades attempts. Note: we recommend using this if your quiz only contains question types that can be auto-graded (true/false, multiple-choice, short answer, matching).
    2. Grade Item – select a grade item for your quiz, or create a new one – [add grade item].
    3. Allow automatic export to grades – automatically syncs your grades to the grade book. We recommend enabling this option.
    4. Attempts – how many attempts students get on the quiz.
  8. Objectives (ignore)
  9. Submission View - The submission view is what students will see when they submit their quiz or view their attempts. By default, they will only see their score (if it is auto-graded). You can change the default view or add an additional view (time-released) to allow students to see things, such as:
    • Questions [+ student answer or correct answer]
    • Only questions students got right/wrong [+ student answer or correct answer]
    • Class average
  10. Reports Setup
    1. You can create reports that give data on various aspects of the quiz, such as question details, users, or attempts by clicking Add Report.
    2. Once you select your parameters, select which role you want to release it to (for only you, select Univ Instructor) and Save.
    3. o run the report, select the dropdown arrow (next to the quiz’s name), and select Reports.
  11. Click Save and Close. Your quiz is now created. To provide the best experience for students, ensure that your quiz is linked to Content.

Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor

Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLDB) is a secure browser that reduces cheating by locking down the quizzing environment. RLDB is run entirely out of D2L – you will activate it, and students will be prompted to download the browser when starting the quiz.

Respondus Monitor is an additional option for RLDB that records the student during quizzing.

Note: RLDB requires students to have access to a Windows/Mac computer and can require a high level of tech support. In the event of a campus shutdown, please consider pursuing other alternatives to reduce cheating, such as:

  • Designing a quiz to be open note/book, and adding a time limit
  • Creating original questions, rather than pulling them from a Publisher test bank
  • Using other forms of assessment, such as a dropbox assignment (paper, video)

Note: we recommend creating an ungraded quiz with unlimited attempts, then enabling RLDB or Monitor. This allows students to ensure their connection/RLDB works before quiz time.

  1. To enable RLDB, switch to the Lockdown Browser tab.
  2. Locate your quiz, click the down arrow next to its name, then select Settings.
  3. Check that you “Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam”. This will open new options, of note:
    1. Password - require students to enter a password to start this quiz. Note: this is linked with the password option in the quiz settings. Making a change in either location will be reflected in both.
    2. Allow access to specific external web domains – if your quiz contains a link to an outside resource, you must include it here.
    3. Enable Calculator – gives students access to a simple or scientific calculator.
  4. Respondus Monitor - if desired, check that you “Require Respondus Monitor for this exam”. This will open new options, of note:
    1. Select what you want to be included in the startup sequence (before students begin the exam). We recommend leaving these on the default (all enabled)
    2. Select how strict you want facial detection options. We recommend leaving these on the default (all enabled).
  5. Click Save + Close.

Note: you can exclude specific students from RLDB/Monitor by using the Quiz’s special access settings. Please scroll up to “Creating a Quiz – Restrictions Tab (6) - Special Access (g)”.

Additional Resources

Properties tab walk-through

How to import questions

How to add special access

Submission Views tab walk-through

Reports Setup tab walk-through

Shuffling Questions

Create a Bonus (Extra Credit) Question

LockDown Browser Introduction




Article ID: 36
Thu 7/7/22 1:11 PM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM