Reporting Phishing: Getting Started

To keep the campus safe against malicious emails, we are working with a system called KnowB4. This is the system we use to generate fake phishing attacks and to alert the right people on campus about real phishing emails as well. To this end, there is a plug-in for outlook that allows people to report any email they think might be phishing within just three clicks.

To Find:


Follow this path in your File explorer: \\speedy\sdsmtshare\install\KnowBe4\PhishAlert


Open the F drive and click on the following:


To Install:


To Use:

After the install, please close out of and restart your Outlook application. After having done so, reporting phishing should be easy. Simply right click on an email and click on the 'Report Phishing' button at the bottom of the list.

It may ask if you are sure if you want to report the email. That is up to you, but if it is suspicious, it is always better to be safe than sorry.



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Article ID: 176
Wed 8/14/24 2:35 PM
Wed 8/14/24 2:40 PM