Install EndNote


EndNote 20


Windows 10/11 or Apple Mac OS

License Terms

Available to install on all campus and personal devices.


  1. Please go to this link and log in with your campus network credentials.

  2. Go to EndNote  → EndNote_20 .

  3. First, download the EndNote20License.txt file. This will contain the Product Key to register the program.

    1. Select the file by clicking on the radio button next to it.

    2. On the menu bar, click the 'Download' button.


  4. Next, you will need to download the installer program.

    1. For Windows OS, move to the Windows folder and then download the EN20Inst.msi file.

    2. For Apple Mac OS, move to the Mac folder and then download the EndNote20SiteInstaller.dmg file.

  5. When these two files have been downloaded, run the installer program, and when asked, input the Product Key from the .txt file. Complete the rest of the installation and run EndNote.

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Article ID: 52
Fri 7/15/22 11:28 AM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM