Email Retention Policy

This document describes the policy of removing South Dakota Mines email accounts for students, faculty, staff, and volunteers once they are no longer associated with South Dakota Mines.


South Dakota Mines students will retain their email account for one semester after no longer attending Mines (graduation, transferring, etc.)  Non-South Dakota Mines student accounts will be scheduled for deletion once they are no longer taking classes at Mines.


After the 10-day add/drop date, the deletion process will look to see if the email account is assigned to a South Dakota Mines student. If the student does not have a home institution of South Dakota Mines, according to the Board of Regents mandate that each BOR student will have only one university email account, the account will be scheduled for deletion.

If the student is a South Dakota Mines student and was not enrolled in classes the prior semester (not counting summer), the account will be scheduled for deletion.

An email will go out to all accounts scheduled to be deleted alerting them that their accounts will be deleted in 30 days as well as indicating an appeal process for very rare cases.


South Dakota Mines faculty accounts will be removed the day after termination of employment. If extensions are needed for the account, the employee's supervisor will be required to file for the extension as well as give a termination date for the account.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus faculty will have an approval process each semester to retain their email account through a supervisor.


South Dakota Mines staff email accounts will be removed the day after termination of employment. If an extension is needed for the account, the employee's supervisor will be required to file for the extension as well as give a termination date for the account.


Volunteers at South Dakota Mines who have a Mines email account will have an approval process each semester to retain their account through a supervisor.

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Article ID: 45
Wed 7/13/22 2:21 PM
Thu 9/15/22 11:09 AM